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Found 97 results (contain 51 manifestations and 53 digital items ) , total pages 4.
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Dates: 15/10/1844 - 25/08/1900 Νame in other language: Φρειδερίκος Νίτσε [greek]
Dates: -0600 - -0500 Νame in other language: Ευπαλίνος [greek], Eupalinos de Mégare [French]
Dates: 22/04/1724 - 12/02/1804 Νame in other language: Iμμάνουελ Καντ [greek], Emmanuel Kant [French]
Dates: 1863 - 1952 Name not used: Jorge Augustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana
Dates: 1866 - 1952
Dates: 1875 - 1942
Dates: 1850 - 1910
Dates: 1860 - 1927
Dates: 1735 - 1804
Dates: 1923 - 2002
Dates: 1875 - 1963 Name not used: Gaston Duchamp
Dates: 1885 - 1925
Dates: 1840 - 1914
Dates: 1882 - 1957
Dates: 1867 - 1946
Dates: 1632 - 1677 Νame in other language: Baruch Spinoza [english] Name not used: Baruch Espinosa | Bento de Spinosa
Dates: 1564 - 1616
Dates: 1798 - 1853 Name not used: Arthur Johnson Daniell
Dates: 1821 - 1903