George Santayana (1863 - 1952) [Συγγραφέας]. The Sense of Beauty

  1. Work (Individual)
  2. George Santayana (1863 - 1952) [Συγγραφέας]. The Sense of Beauty

  3. 1896
  4. English
    • The Sense of Beauty is a book on aesthetics by the philosopher George Santayana.[1] The book was published in 1896 by Charles Scribner's Sons, and is based on the lectures Santayana gave on aesthetics while teaching at Harvard University.[2] Santayana published the book out of necessity, for tenure, rather than inspiration. In an anecdote retold by art critic Arthur Danto of a meeting with Santayana in 1950, Santayana was reported to have said that "they let me know through the ladies that I had better publish a book... on art, of course. So I wrote this wretched potboiler."[3]

  1. Aesthetics | Beauty | Form (Aesthetics)
  2. George Santayana (1863 - 1952)
  3. Monographs